Monday, 11 October 2010

Introduction: Take Two :)

HELLO............. again!

How are you!? Mmm-hmmm, really..... did he? Nooo! With the....? And the....? On top of the....? Well I NEVER!

Aaaanyways.......... WELCOME! Welcome, one and all, to my sparkly new 101 in 1001 blog. Some of you may know that this is my second attempt at the Day Zero Project. My first attempt started on 1st Jan this year (2010) but, much like a Smartprice sparkler, fizzled out rather quickly. You can see all my posts (yes.... both of them) from my first attempt, here.

So, first up, let me tell you a bit about the project. The Day Zero Project, or what I prefer to call '101 in 1001', is an idea I discovered in a thread on the forums. The concept initially came from The Day Zero Project website, which is where a lot of people track the progress through their 1001 days. I'm not a massive fan of the DZP website, possibly because there were a lot of errors in the programming when I made my first attempt at the project, but I'll still use the site for ideas and inspiration.

The project itself is a very simple concept - come up with 101 ideas, goals, ambitions and dreams... and then complete them in 1001 days, which is roughly 2.75 years. The items on the list can be anything you want, from crazy life-changing experiences (go into Space, travel the World) to things you've needed to do for ages but just haven't had the motivation or time to do (write a Will, declutter my stuff).

Today is actually my Day 2. I started yesterday for two reasons - the first was that the date was 10 October 2010, or 10/10/10! This also means that my finish date on Day 1001 is quite special too - it will be 6th July 2013, the relevance of which I'll explain in a later post. I probably should have started my blog yesterday, but I'd had a very busy few days beforehand and was absolutely worn out, so yesterday was my chillout day... the calm before the (good) storm, one might say!

For those who don't know me, I'll introduce myself, along with my current list, in the next day or so. For now though, I'll finish up by saying please do subscribe to the blog, and feel free to comment with any of your ideas, opinions, suggestions and more. I hope you enjoy following my journey.

Here's to the next 1000 days!

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